Other foreign languages

Spanish Course and Other Foreign Languages

Our Spanish course s dynamic and exciting, and you can conveniently follow it online.

The native-speaking teacher will help you achieve your goals with ease. Additionally, you can prepare for exams and obtain international certifications such as DELE – Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera recognized by the MIUR.

corso di spagnolo

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Why is it important to know the most spoken languages in the world?

In addition to the Spanish course, in The Convent Centre you can learn many other foreign languages: German, Arabic, French, Portuguese, Russian, Mandarin Chinese!

Knowing languages allows us to communicate in a globalized world, enables us to understand new cultures, and propels us towards new and exciting job opportunities.

Often in our daily lives, we don't realize how important it is to know foreign languages, but as soon as we encounter people from different cultures, our need to communicate, express ourselves effectively, and understand our interlocutor emerges.

Here are 3 reasons why foreign languages are crucial both personally and professionally:

Traveling more consciously. Traveling provides an opportunity to see new places and landscapes, but above all, it's a chance to connect with new cultures and learn traditions and ways of life sometimes very different from our own. Speaking the language of the places we visit means communicating with the people who live there and fully perceiving their way of life.

More opportunities in the labour market. Knowledge of at least one foreign language is an essential requirement for finding a job abroad but also in Italy. Whether you work in a small company or a multinational, a specific language proficiency will always be required. Certainly, knowledge of at least one other language—Spanish, French, or another of the most spoken languages in the world—will be a preferential requirement.

To keep the brain active. Did you know that learning a new language slows down brain aging? It is much easier for children to learn a foreign language, but over the years, this ability decreases. That's why it's important to always keep your brain in training through cognitive activities, including learning a language, which allows, among other things, the development of reasoning and verbal intelligence.

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