Language Courses
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The Convent Centre - Languages School in Amantea (CS)
Siamo una APS e ci occupiamo di formazione linguistica dal 2002, ci impegniamo a costruire una comunità multiculturale ed inclusiva attraverso progetti europei e locali.
Organizziamo corsi di lingua per i nostri soci per tutte le età ed esigenze e ospitiamo eventi culturali.
We also prepare language speakers for Cambridge English Exams so that students can accredit their English ability.
We are committed to building a multicultural community and frequently host cultural events. Cambridge Assessment English.
Convent Centre è anche ente accreditato per il Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà ed Erasmus+, offriamo spazio ai giovani e agli adulti attraverso eventi culturali, volontariato europeo ed esperienze formative all’estero.

Perchè Convent Centre è il centro linguistico che fa per te?
Convent Centre è una APS – Associazione di Promozione Sociale che combina la formazione linguistica con le arti e con metodologie d’insegnamento innovative. Sperimentiamo e utilizziamo nuovi approcci educativi come il teatro, mostre, proiezioni di film, workshop, letture ed eventi culturali per rafforzare la partecipazione della comunità locale e dei giovani per stimolare il loro interesse verso nuove culture e lingue straniere.
Coinvolgiamo i nostri studenti, bambini e adulti, in attività laboratoriali in lingua straniera, tandem linguistici, cultural tables, narrativa per bambini in inglese.
Motiviamo costantemente i nostri studenti con lezioni interessanti che li guidano verso la costruzione di un pensiero critico e aperto per abbracciare le diverse culture del Mondo.
We believe that learning languages opens doors to exciting new job opportunities and unforgettable experiences across the globe.

Maria Pirillo
StudentHo conosciuto Katia in occasione di un corso di tedesco organizzato dal Convent Centre di Amantea. Katia è un’insegnante di tedesco molto preparata, disponibile e professionale. Inoltre, anche a distanza di anni, la scuola di lingue Convent Centre di Amantea conferma di essere un punto di riferimento per me, sul quale ho sempre potuto contare nel corso degli anni. Disponibilità, professionalità, posizione strategica (nel cuore del territorio Amanteano/Tirreno cosentino), con alti standard di qualità rendono la scuola Convent Centre unica, facilmente accessibile ed eccellente.

Miriana Delizia
StudentGrazie a teacher Aleksandra e tutto il team del Convent Centre, per avermi formata, seguita costantemente e soprattutto per avermi dato la possibilità di superare l’esame brillantemente! Grazie!
Isabella Böckle
StudentÈ un ottimo posto per imparare la lingua italiana. Abbiamo frequentato un corso per un mese, due lezioni a settimana. Abbiamo contattato in anticipo il Convent Centre (Aida), lei è stata molto gentile e tutto è stato facile da organizzare. Abbiamo avuto una GRANDE insegnante e abbiamo apprezzato moltissimo le nostre lezioni.

Orietta A.
StudentSono estremamente felice di condividere la mia esperienza positiva presso la scuola d'inglese The Convent Centre of Language and Art di Amantea. La disponibilità eccezionale dei docenti ha svolto un ruolo fondamentale nel farmi sentire a mio agio sin dall'inizio, superando la mia timidezza iniziale e permettendomi di approcciarmi all'affascinante mondo dell'inglese. La flessibilità dimostrata dalla scuola nel soddisfare le mie esigenze personali è stata davvero straordinaria. Consiglio vivamente The Convent Centre of Language and Art a chiunque cerchi una scuola d'inglese che non solo offra un'istruzione di alta qualità, ma che sia anche attenta alle esigenze individuali degli studenti. Grazie a loro, ho fatto progressi significativi e ho sviluppato una nuova fiducia nella mia capacità di comunicare in inglese.

Mikhail Bardashov
Candidato Esame Gatehouse AwardsEverything was perfectly organized, thanks a lot to the whole staff of the center and especially to Aida!

Anna P.
StudentSe desiderate davvero migliorare le vostre abilità di English Speaking, The Convent Centre vi offre la grande opportunità di farlo attraverso conversazioni one-to-one con teacher madrelingua. Sono rimasta davvero soddisfatta dalla qualità del servizio offerto dal centro nonché dalla serietà e professionalità della teacher. Le lezioni sono molto flessibili e tengono conto delle vostre reali esigenze.

Luigi M.
StudentIncredible! I chose this school because I needed to take the TOEFL IBT exam. It was a very difficult exam to prepare for but with the help of Marina, an English teacher at the Convent Centre, I managed to get a much higher score than I expected. 5/5 star rating!

Beniamino V.
TeacherThe Convent Centre exudes professionalism and competence. Aida, the coordinator of the Centre, immediately found the right teacher for me. I had to prepare for a competition and she recommended Gabriella, a very well-prepared mother tongue English Speaker. I will probably continue my lessons after the exam as well.

Emma D. C.
Tour GuideI managed to take my language qualification in less than a year thanks to the talented teachers and Aida at The Convent Centre!

Martina P.
Tour GuideI took the English course and I had a great time. Convent is a well organised centre and Aida is always super helpful and kind. Highly recommended!

Liliana M.
ParentCompetence, professionalism and availability: a perfect trio to grow and achieve great goals, Congratulations to all the staff!

Pasquale B.
ParentOrganised and highly qualified teachers bring nothing but satisfaction to us parents who invest in our children’s futures. Excellent.

Lorenza Salerno
StudentI am thrilled to have taken a course at this top-quality language centre. I wanted to gain more confidence speaking languages and thanks to the teachers, I achieved that goal. I spent one year completing a very enjoyable, intensive language course which gave me all the necessary preparation required for my first language exam. I am so grateful to The Convent Centre for the remarkable personal growth I’m experiencing.
Elisa G.
StudentI have been participating in the language courses held at Convent Centre since 2019 and I felt comfortable from the very beginning. With the utmost commitment and dedication at the centre, I have achieved excellent results. The teachers are always available to send any extra materials or tutorial links required. My experience at Convent has been completely positive.
StudentExcellent predisposition at all times. We took 6 classes and it was a success. Special mention for Stefania and Aida, they accompanied us from step 1. Super recommended.

Maria Rita S.
StudentI have been attending the Convent for many years now. It is a center that offers many opportunities. The teachers are very well prepared and the language courses are varied. In addition to the purely scholastic aspect, intercultural activities are continuously organized, which promote inclusion, under the banner of curiosity and fun.
Gaja V.
BiologistGreat school! I signed up during the pandemic to improve my English to face public competitions and interviews. All the staff proved helpful. I am satisfied with the preparation. The best thing is that this school makes you approach foreign languages like the knowledge of another culture. Highly recommended !!!!
Filomena C.
BiologistVery satisfied with the lessons my children are taking! Pleasant and stimulating hours of study! People always available and attentive to our needs!

Stefano D. M.
ManagerI have experienced much more than a language school since I attended it (less than a year), a large family, where the teachers are always available, caring and very helpful ... and our dear Aida a great person both professionally and from a human point of view ... highly recommended!

Giulia B.
Math TeacherI started attending Convent Centre as a child and, guided along a path that the staff developed specifically for my needs, I studied English, Spanish and French. The teachers, strictly native speakers, have always proved highly specialized and thanks to them I have reached levels that have allowed me to have a successful and prosperous career. Thanks Convent Center!
ManagerWe had the pleasure of taking one-to-one Spanish courses that allowed us a very fast immersion into the new social context where we moved, Spain. We had first of all taken advantage of another course at another location, but immediately the clear difference was noticed, Convent is truly a professional excellence and the prices are truly within everyone's reach!
Adelaide G.
StudentI was able to learn with very professional and very competent people, excellent organization. Thanks for the excellent service

Gilda A.
Marketing SpecialistThanks to the one-on-one lessons I took online, my English has improved a lot. Aida is really super prepared, always available and together with the teachers she will be able to direct you to the path that best suits your needs. Thank you Convent Center for giving me the opportunity to live a constructive experience, to meet the super teacher Carla and to cheer me up for the long days in lockdown. 🙂

Franca Dora M.
Business ConsultantFor me, attending The Convent Centre means keeping in touch with a language that I would otherwise have forgotten. I can do it after business hours. In presence or via the web. The lessons are intense and productive thanks to the professionalism and availability of the teacher.

Lucia M.
CEO GoodwillGetting to know Covent Centre and dealing with an international and at the same time artisanal reality was a real discovery for us at Goodwill. We find in them the same care for innovation and continuous improvement that we love to put into our projects. This is why after the English course with them we decided to start a collaboration to create and stimulate new synergies through projects and initiatives that involve young people in the area, but also companies and freelancers who want to train and grow together.
Antonello Z.
Travel Guide2 very intense years dedicated to learning native English, with specific lessons, in my case, especially for the tourism sector (because of my business activity). Very good teachers and excellent organization of the work team. You can participate in both group conversations and one-to-one meetings.
Martina G.
BankerI have been attending Convent for about 20 years and, in the different phases of my career, I have always had the support I needed: from the first approach to English with group lessons, to study holidays, to the preparation of the various exams, up to the lessons. one-to-one remote with specific focus on economic-legal issues for business needs. Over the years I have met many teachers, all native speakers, extremely prepared, professional and, last but not least, super friendly. In a word, Convent is unique!
Corina S.
StudentProfessionalism, Punctuality and Politeness... Translations made and forwarded in a short time thanks to the great availability.

Vincenzo V.
EngineerI am very satisfied with the service offered, maximum professionalism.

Maria E.
Web DeveloperI have known Convent Centre for about 3 years. I entrusted them with the localization, translation and revision of texts for different specialist sectors. I have always found professionalism and safety, from the point of view of precision, quality and punctuality.
Scopri i servizi per i soci del Convent Centre – scuola di lingue ad Amantea (CS):