Individual Lessons

Individual lessons in English or another language

Individual lessons in English or another language of your choice represent the ideal formula for those who need to achieve very specific goals, aiming to significantly improve their communication skills with the help of a dedicated teacher.

With individual lessons, we will help you create a tailored program suitable for you.

Choose the day and time, and we take care of the rest!

conversazioni da bar

Let's work together to develop the most suitable path for you!

For who are one-to-one sessions suitable for?

Sessions called one-to-one are suitable for both young people and adults, as well as for companies seeking a personalized program based on their profile and needs. Training objectives are discussed with a teacher at the beginning of the program and organized into a concrete and flexible schedule.You can choose between in-person online.

We prepare our students for the international language certifications..

Can children also take individual lessons?

Certainly! It is indeed possible to schedule individual lessons for children who want to start personalized and dedicated study right away or in addition to the group lessons.

With one-to-one lessons, you definitely gain more confidence in speaking English in public and refine pronunciation.

Join our linguistic tandems and conversation events!

"Bar Conversations"

The benefits of having a dedicated teacher

Often, young people struggle to find their "strategy" for studying.

If parents' goal is to improve their children's attitude toward studying foreign languages, then it is undeniable that finding the right learning path is a fundamental element for consistent growth.
The advantages offered by private lessons are enormous, immediately achievable, and well tangible.

The Convent Centre boasts significant experience in formal and informal teaching methodologies. Teachers who provide individual lessons can assess students' comprehension levels and, more importantly, identify sources of misunderstanding and address them effectively. In harmony with the teacher, the student will feel more capable of expressing their difficulties, and, dealing with only one student, the teacher will be more capable of resolving them.