Our Team

Meet our team who will welcome you in the lovely Amantea and make sure your intensive Italian language experience will be unforgettable!

Aida Bruni

Aida Bruni

Aida manages the Convent Centre of Language & Art since 2017.
Specifically, she organizes group courses and individual study programs for all ages (from 6 years and up) and manages exam sessions for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London, and Gatehouse Awards language certifications.
Aida is an experienced europroject designer and Project Manager, specialized in writing European projects within the Erasmus+ program and European Solidarity Corps.
She also gained working experience in the field of public relations, translation, communication, marketing, and business development in Berlin, Madrid, and Malta.

Antonello Zaccaria

Antonello Zaccaria

Passionate about sports literature, Antonello pursued his dream of being a Tourist Guide. After the graduation inTourism Sciences and Communication,  Antonello obtained his tourist guide license in 2015. This certification enabled him to become a professional tour guide and tour leader in Calabria.
Core Calabro is his network of professionals, coordinated by him, to best meet all the requests of tourists visiting the Calabria region.

Anna Guido

Anna guido

Anna Guido insegna Italiano per Stranieri presso il Centro di Accoglienza per rifugiati politici e richiedenti asilo. E’ laureata in Lettere Moderne. Anna è docente di lingua italiana abilitata al ruolo di Intervistatrice negli esami PLIDA. Oltre all’insegnamento della lingua italia, Anna gestisce il servizio di  doposcuola e assistenza  allo studio per bambini e ragazzi di scuola primaria, secondaria di I e II grado